Let us introduce you to a variety of Agricultural roles.

Join Our Core Seasonal Crew

Being part of the Core Seasonal Crew at Personnel Placements is a great way to earn extra income, if you don’t want to be tied down to a permanent position.

It is also the perfect opportunity to introduce you to a variety of different roles on farms such as rouging, potato harvest, potato grading, spot spraying, seed machine operation, planting, maintaining, harvesting and packing crop and general farm labouring.

This path can allow you to work during our clients’ peak season and the potential of new and interesting career options, without having to commit to a permanent position.

New and interesting career options

If you are looking for a permanent Agricultural role AG Jobs have you covered in all areas of expertise in this sector including; Farm Managers, Farm Labourers, Tractor Drivers, Dairy Farm employees, Relief Milkers, Truck Drivers and Machinery Operators (this is just a small cross section of positions we cover).

Temporary Work

Permanent Work

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